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Nobel Prize winner’s research: Eating beef may indirectly cause cancer?

Nobel Prize winner’s research: Eating beef may indirectly cause cancer?

Nobel Prize winner’s research: Eating beef may indirectly cause cancer?

The father of HPV vaccine research proves: eating beef may indirectly cause cancer? Can beef be eaten?

The beef we often eat can cause cancer?

The father of HPV vaccine, Nobel Prize winner, and German virologist Professor Hausen put forward a bold idea. He believes that the incidence of colorectal cancer is related to beef, mutton and dairy products. why?

Because he observed that Argentina, Uruguay, New Zealand, the United States and some other European countries have a high incidence of colon cancer, and people in these countries love to eat beef and lamb.

In order to study the relationship between beef and cancer, he did a special study, and published the results in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in March this year.

Nobel Prize winner's research: Eating beef may indirectly cause cancer?

1. The Nobel Prize winner’s research: beef increases the risk of cancer

A few years ago, DeVilliers of the German Cancer Research Center and his team discovered a new type of pathogen in bovine serum and dairy products, and the circular DNA structure of the pathogen was very similar to the sequence of some bacterial plasmid genes, and named it BMMF. In order to find out whether BMMF is related to colorectal cancer, DeVilliers and Hausen launched a cooperation.

In the end, the research team discovered BMMF near the tumor of patients with colon cancer. BMMF can multiply in human cells, cause inflammation, and produce the required protein product Rep in human cells. At the same time, researchers can also detect elevated levels of reactive oxygen species in the environment of Rep-positive cells. It should be noted that elevated levels of reactive oxygen species often promote the development of gene mutations, and gene mutations are one of the important factors in cancer. .

It is worth mentioning that studies support the causal relationship between beef and milk consumption and the development of colorectal cancer. The research team also emphasized that BMMF can be regarded as an indirect carcinogen. If BMMF is detected in the body in the early stage, further colorectal cancer screening should be done.

2. After eating beef for many years, can’t it be eaten in the future?

Previously, the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization initially compiled and announced the list of carcinogens. Among them, red meat, including beef, was “honorably” included in the list of category 2A carcinogens. Now there is another study like this. Can’t beef be eaten?

Wang Silu, a national second-level public nutritionist, believes that although more and more studies have shown that red meat is positively related to the increased risk of various cancers in recent years, it does not mean that red meat cannot be eaten. Carcinogens may increase the risk of cancer, but it does not mean that eating is carcinogenic. The occurrence of cancer is usually the result of multiple factors. It cannot be simply said that eating red meat leads to cancer.

The most important point is that red meat, such as beef and lamb, is rich in vitamin A, protein, heme iron and other substances, which still have certain health benefits. We cannot generalize or completely deny its nutritional value.


So how do you eat beef?

Health experts recommend that the weekly livestock and poultry meat and fish meat should be controlled at 280 to 525g, and the daily intake of meat food should be 40 to 75g.

Red meat such as beef and mutton can also be eaten, but you should eat lean instead of fat. Keep in mind that fat red meat can cause obesity or cause chronic diseases such as hyperlipidemia. In addition, animal organs should also be eaten in limited quantities. Although they are rich in vitamin A and heme iron, they are also high in cholesterol and fatty acids. It is recommended not to consume more than twice a week.


3. These first-level carcinogenic foods really need to be strictly controlled

2A carcinogens have insufficient evidence of carcinogenicity to the human body, while the first type of carcinogens represent sufficient evidence of carcinogenesis. Many foods in daily life are related to first-level carcinogens. They should be controlled more than beef. Everyone must strictly control them. Keeping your mouth shut is the key to staying away from cancer!

1) Pickled food

Sausages, bacon, smoked fish and other preserved foods are popular among the public, but these preserved foods contain a lot of nitrite. After entering the body, it will react with amines to produce a type of carcinogen, nitrosamines, and increase gastric cancer. , Esophageal cancer and liver cancer risk.

2) Barbecue food

Barbecue and beer are standard in hot summer, but meat cooked under charcoal fire will produce first-class carcinogens, heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Among them, benzopyrene is a representative of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, especially in charcoal fire. In vigorous conditions, the more such carcinogens will increase. As carcinogens accumulate, especially long-term barbecues will increase the risk of gastric cancer and intestinal cancer.

3)  Moldy food

Although living conditions are improving now, parents still adhere to the virtues of diligence and thrift, especially in the face of moldy food. They are not willing to throw away moldy food. They often cut off moldy parts and eat them. However, we need to remind everyone that moldy food may have been affected by Aspergillus flavus. Toxin contamination. As a kind of carcinogen, aflatoxin is even 68 times more toxic than arsenic! Any dose of 1 mg may damage liver tissue and induce liver cancer! So throw it away when it’s moldy, don’t eat it!

4) Alcohol

Alcohol is decomposed into acetic acid and acetaldehyde after entering the body, of which acetaldehyde is a first-class carcinogen! The American Clinical Oncology Association stated that long-term excessive drinking can induce a variety of cancers such as oral cancer and laryngeal cancer. Today, 5.5% of new cancer cases and 5.8% of cancer deaths worldwide are directly related to drinking!

4. The key to cancer prevention is actually a balanced diet

Carcinogenic food cannot be completely avoided in life, and the occurrence of cancer is the result of multiple factors. A small amount of carcinogenic food will not cause cancer, but we still have to actively avoid those harmful substances. Cancer prevention awareness must not be absent, but cancer prevention must not be excessive. If you are overly concerned about whether food is carcinogenic, it will cause a mental burden or provide a suitable internal environment for cancer.

The key to cancer prevention is a balanced diet. Here are 4 tips for diet prevention:

  1. Residents’ daily intake of food should be diversified. It is recommended that cereals should be the mainstay and the thickness should be appropriately matched. At the same time, you can eat more potatoes and fruits and vegetables. You should also consume a certain amount of milk, beans and their products every day, and drink more. water.
  2. The daily three meals should be matched reasonably, especially the food intake should be controlled.
  3. The food you eat should be hygienic and fresh, especially moldy food should be discarded.
  4. The cooking method of food is mainly steaming, stewing and braising. Try not to grill or deep-fry. At the same time, reduce the amount of cooking oil and salt. Lighter food is best.

Cancer has gradually become an important killer that endangers human health, and one-third of cancers are directly related to bad eating habits and unreasonable diet. Therefore, we need to establish awareness of cancer prevention, but be careful not to blindly prevent cancer. For example, red meat such as beef and lamb is a Class 2A carcinogen, but moderate consumption is still beneficial to the human body.

(source:internet, reference only)

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